At Tesseract Data, we provide a full range of legal technology services for responding to legal discovery and regulatory demands, as well as addressing internal compliance and investigations. We are dedicated to the strategic use of the latest artificial intelligence technologies in appropriate contexts.
Additionally, we provide legal consulting services, supported by technology, to help establish, maintain, and improve systems to proactively govern legal risk through information governance, records management, legal hold, and litigation readiness programs.
Within any sizeable organization, there are frequently competing demands related to the collection, use, transfer, retention, and timely disposition of information. Business-focused groups in an organization generally see information as a critical asset for generating revenue, improving quality, reducing costs, and overall making the organization better at pursuing its intended purpose. On the other side of the equation, there are groups tasked with identifying, managing, and controlling or reducing risks—e.g., counsel responsible for fulfilling legal and regulatory requirements for retention, disposition, legal holds, and discovery. For these groups, information carries enormous potential liability if it is misused, stolen, or otherwise lost.
TDS advises clients across corporate, non-profit, and public sectors on how to establish, improve, and maintain Information Governance programs. We counsel on the use of policies, procedures, and best practices to achieve an optimal balance between controlling risks and costs related to information, while maximizing value from that data.
Data Mapping
The first step to establishing an Information Governance program is creating a Data Map.
Data Mapping supports the core function of any modern Information Governance program: optimizing the balance between information risk and costs, on the one hand, and the extraction of information value, on the other hand. Effective data mapping allows access to necessary data for stakeholders to make reasoned, rationalized decisions while constraining associated risks.
A fulsome and up-to-date Data Map will detail three core elements related to the information held by the enterprise:
- The categories of information that exist within the enterprise.
- The storage systems in which that information retained, both locally and in cloud-based environments.
- Who has access to what categories of information contained within each storage environment.
Creating an initial Data Map can be a significant undertaking, and is not a “one-and-done” effort, instead requiring periodic updates to reflect the evolution of the enterprise’s data environment over time. That said, there can be an enormous return on investment for a well-built Data Map.
A good Data Map not only supports the enterprise’s high-level approach to and execution of a unified information governance program, but also provides essential value to multiple stakeholder groups throughout the enterprise. For example:
- Legal and Risk groups will use a Data Map to quickly and efficiently locate and extract data, or implement legal holds over data, in the event of litigation, investigation, or compliance audit.
- Privacy professionals will use a Data Map to track, locate, and act on personal information either in response to a Data Subject Access Request, regulatory inquiry, or upon other obligation.
- Records and Information Management personnel can effectively manage the retention and timely disposition of information.
- Information Security teams can ensure that high-risk, high-value information is subject to increased security controls, and can respond more quickly and effectively to any cybersecurity incident.
- Information Technology groups can better track information and assets, establish and maintain appropriate controls, and provide more effective technology solutions for the retention, transmission, and timely disposition of data.
- Business can better organize, store, and retrieve valuable information to support and grow their respective business functions.
Defensible Disposition
Defensible disposition has been defined as: “The effective disposal of physical and electronic information that does not need to be retained according to an organization’s policies when the data is not or no longer subject to a legal requirement for retention, be it statutory or as part of a litigation.”
All information within an enterprise has a useful lifecycle. For certain information, the lifecycle may be measured in hours or days. Other information, particularly items declared as a formal “Record,” should be retained for longer defined periods, often measured in years, if not indefinitely. Information that does not fall within the defined scope of a Record—or that was declared a Record, but has exceeded its defined retention period—can be considered Redundant, Outdated (Obsolete), or Trivial, commonly referred to under the acronym: ROT.
One cannot understate the value of effective, and timely, disposal of ROT. With some experts estimating a cost of $1.00 per document brought into the E-Discovery process, disposing excess physical documents and ESI can, alone, significantly reduce litigation costs.
Moreover, in the event of a cybersecurity incident, having less information available reduces the risks and costs associated with the loss—or publication—of sensitive and personal data.
Defensible disposition projects performed by TDS come in two forms: LEGACY disposition and ONGOING disposition. The former tackles what is often a massive backlog of retained ROT, and focuses on bringing the enterprise into compliance with its information retention policies, while ensuring that it is still meeting its legal hold obligations. The latter focuses on establishing and maintaining a program in which the enterprise can regularly and efficiently dispose of Records that have reached the end of life and ROT before it can accumulate.
ARTIFICIAL Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) is our bread and butter. No longer a fad, AI has been successfully deployed — and increasingly accepted — in E-Discovery for well over a decade. In global terms, AI is used to harness the power of computers to segregate relevant from non-relevant ESI, and reduce the volume of documents requiring human review to make a subjective determination of relevance, responsiveness, or privilege.
Use of AI in E-Discovery
There are many terms used to reflect AI algorithms and processes in the discovery phase of litigation, including: Technology Assisted Review (e.g., TAR, TAR 1.0, TAR 2.0), Continuous Active Learning (CAL), Assisted Review (e.g., Relativity AR), Supervised Machine Learning (ML), Clustering, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Generative AI, Linear or Logistic Regression, Classification, Social Networking Analysis (SNA), Sentiment Analysis, and others.
At the core, we use AI to reduce the number of human reviewers analyzing and coding large volumes of documents to make subjective determinations on relevancy and privilege to fulfill a discovery production obligation. Parties receiving large productions of ESI can also use AI to more efficiently locate relevant information to use in their case.
Please contact TDS to discuss how our use of AI can help reduce time and expense, and help you be in a better position to prosecute or defend your case.
Other Use of AI in Litigation
In addition to the use of AI in the legal discovery process, lawyers can use AI to assist with fact development, document sorting, and a myriad of other tasks. Whether it is traditional TAR optimization or application of new foundational generative AI models (e.g., ChatGPT), TDS can help you design workflows to find and sort important documents faster and with higher accuracy than with human review alone. TDS is working at the forefront of exploring new and exciting opportunities to improve the delivery of legal services.
The Sky is the Limit
AI can be used to improve nearly any process that requires manual review. If your team has a tedious task (especially those prone to human error), TDS is eager to help integrate the latest technologies. We have designed AI workflows for idiosyncratic tasks, such as capturing/predicting insurance policy language, tabulating irregular forms, and conducting early case assessment on publicly available documents.
We advise our clients on the availability of and options for using legal technology to perform a variety of tasks related to discovery, investigations, and regulatory responses. We also consult on the use of legal technology for the execution of information governance and records retention programs, contract management, and privacy management.
Cost Reduction
At TDS, we reduce the costs associated with responding to discovery and regulatory demands on two fronts. First, through proactive planning we develop effective information governance programs to reduce the volume of data being retained by the organization. The more prepared an organization is for litigation and regulatory response, the less it will need to spend.
Second, when litigation or regulatory issues arise, we work to reduce the volume of information that needs to be collected and reviewed. TDS uses Artificial Intelligence, Process Automation, and best-in-class technology for Analysis and Early Case Assessment (ECA).
Technology Integration
Technology abounds in every workplace, but especially in the legal arena. The ability to identify, analyze, and act on relevant data is at the core of the discovery and investigation process. Yet, when systems are isolated, and data cannot be transferred, combined, and cross-analyzed, lawyers are hampered in their ability to develop facts necessary to prosecute or defend a case or conduct an investigation.
At TDS, we understand how technology systems work, and we have the experience and resources to integrate legal technology and data coming from a wide variety of information systems to support counsel in finding and segregating relevant ESI for legal or regulatory matters. In fact, we have solved data issues when other providers assured the client that “there was no solution.” At TDS, we love a challenge.
Litigation Readiness is an essential part of a robust Information Governance program. Litigation Readiness focuses specifically on an organization’s proactive planning for a triggering litigation or regulatory event. TDS helps companies respond promptly and efficiently, while reducing the otherwise inevitable distraction to business leaders’ day-to-day activities. Litigation readiness planning often includes:
- Litigation process workflow mapping;
- Legal hold best practices;
- Legal hold and privacy policy integration;
- Data mapping;
- Managing ESI in systems of record;
- Data interview management; and
- Cross-department notification and coordination.

Combining a software-developer mindset with ever-advancing technology, TDS builds customized, automated processes for clients with the goal of ensuring quality and the timely execution of desired activities that are repeatable and defensible. This includes tracking the chain of custody of incoming ESI to support authentication and admissibility standards. TDS also builds custom software solutions to support its internal operations to ensure that we are fully leveraging our best thinking and outstanding personnel for the benefit of every client.
Process Automation also expands to establishing and maintaining controls over reviewed ESI, particularly with segregating and logging privileged information.
TDS provides Process Automation support for clients implementing Information Governance and Litigation Readiness solutions, including automating Legal Hold procedures as well as the retention and timely disposition of Records and Non- Records that have reached the end of the information lifecycle, including Redundant, Outdated, and Trivial (“ROT”) data.
If you have a repeatable legal process, TDS is excited to give you a proposal for automating that process.

700 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20003
+1 (202) 772-3965